Problem Pattern:
Reading Part 5
Part 5&6 18 min.
Part 5
1 보기먼저보기
2 유형
Grammatical Conjugations of a Verb
* The number agreement, Voice, and Tense
- be 뒷자리 보어자리는 형 가능 : PP가능 O, 명드물지만동격가능 O, 싱귤러동사 및 부사X
The exam will be completed by the end of the week.
* complete a.v.
- No O for Passive Voice. There is an O, to infinitive. So it should be Active Voice.
Blanked Noun place
The company offers an beatable selection of high quality products.
* The selectivity also n. but sounds awkward.
Preposition's place is blank and Answers to the choices are preps.
The students hd to study over the weekend.
except는 한정된 범위기준 안에서 제외 할때만 가능.
The place located behind article and in front of the noun is adjective's place.
* a.+en = v, 만들다 형아님
shorten highten brighten broaden sharpen widen harden
Determiner's place in front of a noun is blank and Answers to the choices are personal pronouns.
The students and the families are take their vacations next week.
the number agreement between the subject, verb, pronoun, and objects.
____ -ing .., S V O. The blank is a place for an Adverbial conjunction or prepositions.
* During don't like a gerund as an O.
After receiving gifts at the party, she sent thank you notes to them.
Part 6 지문먼저 맥락파악하며 1/3씩
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